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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Most urgent - Tomorrow Exam

Hi all
Tomorrow at 7 in the morning, we are gonna have the final exam. Please attend without fail. Venue - Room no 2 III Floor New Acad Block

Monday, June 28, 2010


Overview about the book which I read yesterday

IF TOMORROW COMES written by Sidney Sheldon

Sidney Sheldon is a fantastic writer and this book is one of the most exciting writings of his. He is such a excellent writer who grips reader from first page to end of the novel.

Tracy Whitney is the most happiest person .Her life is perfect she is about to get married to the person whom every gal dreamed of, had a job with which she is satisfied .she is in the state of beatitude and thank full to god for all what she has in her life .Her life is peaceful but she got into trouble because of her innocence and doltishness. one day changed her life totally .she found herself behind bars and is sentenced to 15 yrs of imprisonment ,because of the false accusation made by mafia gangsters and is also betrayed by her fiancé the one whom she loved the most.

Jail is the place she never expected to find herself. She was tortured, used like whore and is treated as a toy to all prisoners. But just 2 days of her stay in prison made Tracy a tough women .she transformed from soft innocent woman to a very calculative, smart, strong and astute women. she befriended Ernie who is the only one who can protect her in the jail and can help her rescue from jail .Her warden is a good natured man who believes that Tracy is innocent and was framed up by mafia men. Tracy is then appointed as nanny to wardens daughter Amy and her bravery which she exhibited to rescue Amy , when she was in danger brought her out of the prison .she is cleared of all the charges against her and can once again start her life afresh. But when she is out, her aim was to avenge her enemies because of whom she lost her everything. Her first target is gangster and then is the lawyer and judge who was both involved with gangsters and at last her fiancé who left her when she needed him the most .she is once again happy woman rather can say a woman with freedom after she took revenge from her enemies.

She now plans to get back to her normal life and job .But because of her criminal record she is jobless .she planned to continue her life in a normal way but circumstances brought her to a stage of life were she has no other option except to do a illegal job, a job of stealing jewels from high profile people and then smuggling and selling it to others. She is tensed as she is a callow person in this field but later after continually robbing people she has now become a professional robber .Continuous robberies in Europe makes police go tizzy fizzy. They are now bent upon finding the one back of the robberies happening all over Europe, the only clue they have is it is done by a gang of women who leave no evidence in this business .Tracy finds excitement and also finds her love in Jeff Steven the person whom she was not able to tolerate a minute turns into a person whom she cant resist being apart from.

Daneil cooper, a private detective with excellent brains is appointed to solve the mystery of robberies. He is the only one who knows it’s Tracy who is behind all these robberies but evidence is what is missing to take an action against her .For Tracy life starts blooming up again .Jeff and Tracy plan to put an end to this risky job. Finally they give up this job and start living life as law abided citizens and enjoy rest of their life doing what interests them a lot.

Sunday, June 27, 2010


We live in a nation where pizza reaches home faster than ambulance and police

Where you get car loan @5% and education loan @12%

Where rice Rs 40/- per kg but sim card is free

Where a millionaire can buy a cricket team instead of donating the money to any charity

Where the footwear we wear are sold in Ac showrooms, but vegetables that we eat are sold on footpath

Where everybody wants to be famous but nobody wants to follow the path to be famous

Where we make lemon juices with artificial flavours and dish wash liquids with real lemon

Where people are standing at tea stalls reading an article about child labour from a newspaper and say “yaar bachhonse kaam karvane wale ko to phansi par chadha dena chahiye” and then they shout “oye chotu 2 chaii laao”

Where people chat a lot but don’t talk when they meet face to face


Mera bharat mahaan.


Thursday, June 17, 2010

A few listening texts

Dear all,

The given link will direct you to a few listening texts. Do have a look. Thank you.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


good evening friends , I have a small comment on the e-waste topics and I don't know weather you are agree with me or no . First of all I think the most important type of e-waste is the nuclear waste ( I put nuclear waste under the category of e-waste which some people may object it ) any way , talking about nuclear waste ( let us call it NW from now onwards) is could be sensitive and restricted since its related to politics and nations security . I can say on that -some countries have nuclear weapons and ofcourse some have not , countries which they own it oppose the ownership of those countries which they have not - which i consider it a kind of selfish , by inistict every nation tries to secure and defend it self and that is the problem , more over the spread of these type of weapons mean the more NW around the globe , considering that it emmits a harmfull radiations which cause cancer , in some areas they found a burried NW since the seventies ,no wonder that the cancer ratio is high in that area .
So , what is the solution ? is it to prevent the spread of nuclear technology ( since its very cheap energy and that could be an advantage) dispite the hunger of owning it , or to develop techniques in order to deal with the NW .

Writing resume made easy!

Dear all,

I am happy to direct you to the given link which contains some wonderful tips on how to write a resume (for an engineer). Do check the following extension too.

Thank you

Monday, June 14, 2010

IT makes it easy

It is un doubtable that IT is taking more space in our life day by day, I think someday we will not find place for us as human beings in this plant with IT!!!

It is there in our work, study, fun and even out relation (IT relations, I like to talk about it, but maybe later)

But still IT makes our life easier.

Now, I want you to imagine that there is no front page technique in our life, what does it means? Means, whatever you want to do with any IT application you have to write it in program same as in DOS system!!!

You want to access to the net or write an e-mail or even chat, you have to write such long and complex program in JAVA.

You want to use the ATM, well it fine but you have to write the program in basic language.

Imagine long Q in the supermarket and the casher has to re write all your items and their price and …..


Come back here!! You don’t need to imagine all these awful things, we have GUI, have you heard about it?

Well, it is Graphical User Interface, it is such part from execution programmings depends on the graphical instructions to execute the programs, for example your windows is kind of GUI by clicking on any icon you got your instruction executed. In ATM we have the visual basic were you having all orders as touchable icon.

We can call it as low level programming where it doesn't need for high programming skills and every one can use it.

Well, thank for ALLAH we have this valued click!!!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

How does scientific progress affect mankind?

In early days man depended mostly on nature for his needs. He cultivated land for agriculture and used trees and animals for his needs.But when industrialization began man wanted more supply for more production(goods).Man started to think for the alternative ways. In due course many things like modern means of transportation,communication etc came into picture.This made ones life very easy.As years passed by population increased.Scientists started to research on crops to satisfy the food needs of the increasing population.Revolution in medicine and biology decreased the deaths of people .Many new drugs were discovered to cure the diseases. Many new technologies were invented.Man even got into the moon.Man made artificial satellites to discover new facts about the universe.He made many experiments on nucleus of different atoms.He made many experiments that were strong enough to destroy even the earth if they failed.
These scientific inventions had disadvantages too. The Modern means of transport led to the pollution of air and water. Increase in the usage of chemicals to the crops led to land pollution.Globalwarming,acidic rains,depletion of ozone layer are some of the examples of its consequences. We are destroying not only our resources but also of many other organisms.
Now if we think to stop all the scientific progress,then it is hard to live as science has become an integrated part in our day to day lives.But if not ,all the organisms lives are at stake.So what to do?
In my view one must always implement alternative ways to avoid the ill effects of any scientific progress or tools.Every scientific experiment has two sides advantages and disadvantages.So one must always make effective use of our day to day tools.Every individual must feel the responsibility to keep our earth safe to live in.

We are spoiling our environement in the name scientific experiments

Make use of the following website.

The website offers some wonderful free material that may help you learn English fast. Search for materials related to science and technology, especially podcasts.


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Edited Mona's article(Are scientific experiments spoiling nature)

Are we spoiling our nature through scientific progress?

Are we spoiling our nature in the name of scientific progress

Well.., it’s a controversial question to ask, because it does both good and bad to us.

but the way scientific progress or research has affected nature is gruesome .In the name of scientific progress we human beings are going away from our responsibilities as a citizen and using our environment for our selfish motives .By introducing various technologies for our purposes, as a citizen we are failing to protect our environment and degrading it for our personal purposes. It is pity to know that we human beings look for our temporary gains but neglect our long run needs by destroying it and leaving no good environment for our future generations.

We have achieved tremendous progress in the field of nuclear power by creating high technology weapons and advancements. But if we hadn’t used nuclear weapons in a cruel manner, disastrous events like Hiroshima and Nagasaki wouldn't have happened. Use of these nuclear weapons might have been just for few minutes, but its effect is seen for centuries and still generations of human life, plant and animal life are facing problems. Scientific progress has also leaded to various new kinds of disease like scar, anthrax, swineflu few of them to mention. But as it goes a coin has two sides, similarly scientific research has done a lot good to us. It is due to the scientific progress only that we are leading such a luxurious life.

Scientific progress affecting the environment doesn't mean actual progress. It must be enhanced in right direction and measures must be taken such that any scientific research doesn’t have drastic effect on environment. Instead of degrading the nature it should strength the environment and strives to have a better tomorrow.

hi mona,

Your article is good but be sure to recheck once before posting. Make sure to concentrate on spell check. Rest of the thing is good as per my knowledge.

Edited by sudha

Monday, June 7, 2010

Let's do a group project on writing.

 What I would like you to do is that you have to select any one of the posts from the blog and edit it and re-post after necessary modification. Let's do it.

Listen to the description of a scientific project

Transcripts of the podcasts are available in the site. Very very helpful for engineering students!!!

are we spoiling our nature through scientific progress

Are we spoiling our nature in the name of scientific progress

Well.., its a controversial question to ask are we spoiling nature ,because it does both good and bad to us.
but the way scientific progres or research has affected nature is gruesome .In the name of scientific progress we Human beings are going away from our responsibilities as a citizen and using our environment for our selfish motives .By introducing various technologies for our purposes , as a citizen we are failing to protect our environment and degarding it for our personal purposes. It is pity to know that we human beings look for our temporary gains but neglect our long run needs by destroying it and leaving no good environment for our future generations .
We have acheived tremendous progress in the field of nuclear power by creating high technology weapons and advancements. But if we handn't used nuclear weapons in a cruel manner ,disastrous events like Hiroshima and Nagasaki wouldn't have happened. Use of these nuclear weapons might have been just for few mintues ,but its effect is seen for centuries and still generations of human life,plant and animal life are facing problems. Scientific progress has also lead to various new kinds of disease like scar ,anthrax,swineflu few of them to mention. But as it goes a coin has two sides, similarly scientific research has done a lot good to us . It is due to the scientific progress only that we are leading such a luxurious life.
Scientific progress affecting the environment doesn't mean actual progress. It must be enchanced in right direction and measures must be taken such that any scientific research doesnt have drastic effect on environment. It instead of degrading the nature it should strength the environment and strive to have a better tomorrow .

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Are scientific experiments spoiling nature:

Scientific experiments may be doing environment more harm than good.If the experiments
result good or bad the victim is nature.Most of the chemical experiments dispose liquid wastes in water which
causes harm to aquatic life.Some experiments releases harmful gases in air so the environment
is polluted and damaged.Some experiments like nuclear weapons are helping terrorism to grow.

At the same time scientific inventions have made man's life easier to live, more effectiveness in
doing things,ability to discover new things,medicines are easier to synthesise.All these things have made the
life of man very easy and comfortable.

If we start looking at anything in its darker side, things can actually be exaggerated, so there are many
advantages that scientific inventions have led to.. let's not forget them..but search for the ways which
harm less to nature.

Disadvantages of E-waste

E-waste means End of life electronic products like

computers,printers,tvs, cellphone etc.It is a complex global

problem. Electronic products contain hazardous meterials which

includes poisnous chemicals. For example lead,mercury. Lead is

used in CRTs of computer and telivision monitors.it causes

damage to the nurvous system. Mercury is used in flat panel

display screens which contains neurotixin. The harmful metal

is absorbed by the human body through contaminated drinking

water. The e-waste can effects the environment as well as the

people also.

The main producer of e-waste was US and they send it to some

other countries for recycling.Recycling means burning wires to

recover metals,melting circuits and also acid stripping. Even

the recycling process produce so many problems to the

environment. The recycling process can be done by men,women

and also little childrens which are not having any protection

for health.

The information is very less to know about the e-waste. Long-

term effects on environment is still unknown. so increasing

the education about the e-waste is needed.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Are we spoiling our nature by the name of scientific experiments?!!

Are we spoiling our nature by the name of scientific experiments?!!

Well, I don't think its correct question, if it was 'Do you know how much we are spoiling our nature by the name of science?!' it would be more real.Unfortunately, from the early binging for the world development or the modern civilization few people only did pay attention for the environment and what would be the side effects on the nature.

When the human being started to make new constructions and modern life, the first thing he did was cutting the trees and remove millions of hectars from the green forests to have free space for buildings. I wonder wither they knew that the plants it is only the source for oxygen on this earth?!!! if we compare the space of green areas now and before 100 years, the result will be awful!

Nowadays, the most developed science the human did make, is the most effect danger on the nature. It is the nuclear power!
Do you know that if one nuclear experiment was made in some place, that place will keep the effects of that experiment for millions of years. can you imagine!! only few minutes of science experiment will block the place forever, no human, no animal, simply NO life will be there.

Still can not say we have to stop all these activities, but we can ask for safe ways to keep both our benefits from since and our environment.and that needs for honest willing from every one, governments, media and even the schools.

e waste


Definition: E-Waste or waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) are the term used to describe old, end-of-life or discarded appliances using electricity. It includes computers, consumer electronics, fridges etc which have been disposed of by their original users. "e-waste" is used as a generic term combines all types of waste containing electrically powered components. E-Waste contains both valuable materials as well as hazardous materials which require special handling and recycling methods.

Examples: Computers, LCD/CRT screens, cooling appliances, mobile phones, etc., contain precious metals, flame retarded plastics, CFC foams and many other substances.

Electronic appliances are composed of hundreds of different materials that can be both toxic but also of high value. While bulk materials such as iron, aluminum, plastics and glass account for over 80 weight %, valuable and toxic materials are found in smaller quantities but are still of high importance. The material composition of different appliances is often similar, but the percentage of different components can vary a lot.

Problems: Electronic waste (e-waste) now makes up five percent of all municipal solid waste worldwide; nearly the same amount as all plastic packaging, but it is much more hazardous. Not only developed countries generate e-waste; Asia discards an estimated 12 million tones each year.

E-waste is now the fastest growing component of the municipal solid waste stream because people are upgrading their mobile phones, computers, televisions, audio equipment and printers more frequently than ever before. Mobile phones and computers are causing the biggest problem because they are replaced most often. In Europe e-waste is increasing at three to five percent a year, almost three times faster than the total waste stream. Developing countries are also expected to triple their e-waste production over the next five years.

E-WASTE MANAGEMENT: e-waste can also be recycled to reduce the environment hazards. For example we will take computer recycling, computers the recycling or reuse of computers. It includes both finding another use for materials and having systems dismantled in a manner that allows for the safe extraction of the constituent materials for reuse in other products. Some computer components can be reused in assembling new computer products, while others are reduced to metals that can be reused in applications as varied as construction, flatware, and jewelry. Computer recycling or electronic recycling is the method of retrieving operable parts and ingredients from unusable electronic devices.

Computer components contain valuable elements and substances suitable for reclamation, including lead, copper, and gold. They also contain many toxic substances, polychlorinated biphenyl (PCBs), cadmium, chromium, radio active and mercury. A typical computer monitor may contain more than 6% lead by weight, much of which is in the lead glasses of the cathode ray tube (CRT). A typical 15-inch computer monitor may contain 1.5 pounds of lead, but other monitors have been estimated as having up to 8 pounds of lead.

Listen to how an aeroplane flies: a scientific explanation

It is fun to know how an aeroplane flies. Listen and learn some English.

Improve your pronunciation

English for Engineers: How a radio works: Video

English for Engineers: How a radio works: Video

How a radio works: Video

Enjoy watching this piece of scientific explanation.

Friday, June 4, 2010

simpler sentences

study of microclimatic elements revealed that the leaf growth rate was limited more by soil moisture content than by solar radiation effect or temperature influence and that the use of the time scales based on nonlimiting factors merely increased the between harvest variation by producing non significant departures from..........

Study of small climatic elements reveal that the rate at which leaf grows is limited more by the amount of moisture present in soil than by other factors like heat ,sun light ,and the period of time which is based on unlimited factors merely just increase the variation of time needed for every harvest by providing many insignificant changes from.........

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Wonderful Speech

Dear all,

This is a wonderful speech by Charlie Chaplin in a Hollywood movie. It may benefit you. Thank you.