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Wednesday, June 16, 2010


good evening friends , I have a small comment on the e-waste topics and I don't know weather you are agree with me or no . First of all I think the most important type of e-waste is the nuclear waste ( I put nuclear waste under the category of e-waste which some people may object it ) any way , talking about nuclear waste ( let us call it NW from now onwards) is could be sensitive and restricted since its related to politics and nations security . I can say on that -some countries have nuclear weapons and ofcourse some have not , countries which they own it oppose the ownership of those countries which they have not - which i consider it a kind of selfish , by inistict every nation tries to secure and defend it self and that is the problem , more over the spread of these type of weapons mean the more NW around the globe , considering that it emmits a harmfull radiations which cause cancer , in some areas they found a burried NW since the seventies ,no wonder that the cancer ratio is high in that area .
So , what is the solution ? is it to prevent the spread of nuclear technology ( since its very cheap energy and that could be an advantage) dispite the hunger of owning it , or to develop techniques in order to deal with the NW .

1 comment:

  1. Dear Manar,

    You write well. It's just that you have to be a little more careful about your use of capital letters and punctuation markers. Please edit in word before you post. Thank you.


Thank you!