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Saturday, June 5, 2010

Are we spoiling our nature by the name of scientific experiments?!!

Are we spoiling our nature by the name of scientific experiments?!!

Well, I don't think its correct question, if it was 'Do you know how much we are spoiling our nature by the name of science?!' it would be more real.Unfortunately, from the early binging for the world development or the modern civilization few people only did pay attention for the environment and what would be the side effects on the nature.

When the human being started to make new constructions and modern life, the first thing he did was cutting the trees and remove millions of hectars from the green forests to have free space for buildings. I wonder wither they knew that the plants it is only the source for oxygen on this earth?!!! if we compare the space of green areas now and before 100 years, the result will be awful!

Nowadays, the most developed science the human did make, is the most effect danger on the nature. It is the nuclear power!
Do you know that if one nuclear experiment was made in some place, that place will keep the effects of that experiment for millions of years. can you imagine!! only few minutes of science experiment will block the place forever, no human, no animal, simply NO life will be there.

Still can not say we have to stop all these activities, but we can ask for safe ways to keep both our benefits from since and our environment.and that needs for honest willing from every one, governments, media and even the schools.

1 comment:

  1. The topic should start with "...in the name of scientific progress?". Check your use of tense forms, punctuation (commas, full stops, question marks) and sentence construction. Thankyu!


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